Cienfuegosia rosei Fryxell

Primary tabs

Cienfuegosia rosei Fryxell


Erect subshrubs ca. 1 m tall, the stems S-angulate, minutely puberulent to glabrate. Leaf blades mostly 3-9 cm long, variable (narrowly lanceolate, rhombic- ovate, to broadly 3-lobed), truncate, entire, usually apiculate, minutely pubescent to glabrate above and beneath; petioles 1/ 4-1/2 the length of the blades; stipules 4-7 mm long, subulate. Flowers solitary in the leaf axils; pedicels 1.5-9.5 cm long (subequal to the subtending leaves), distally swollen, surmounted by 3 involucellar nectaries; bracts of the involucel 9-10, 3-12 mm long, usually filiform; calyx 12-25 mm long, deeply divided, the lobes 3-ribbed, sometimes with whitish intercostal areas; petals 2-3.5 cm long, yellow with a prominent maroon spot at the base, the spot with yellow striations, pubescent abaxially, glabrous adaxially; staminal column half the length of the petals, maroon, the anthers maroon, the pollen orange, the anthers abortive in some individuals (i.e., the plants gynodioecious); style exceeding the androecium, the 3 stigmatic lobes decurrent, purplish. Capsules 10-13 mm long, ovoid, 3-loculed, externally glabrous, internally ciliate along suture of dehiscence; seeds 4-5 mm long, densely pubescent, the hairs light brown, 5-6 mm long. Chromosome number: 2n = 20. A

Forma de crecimiento


Forma de vida





México (país) EndémicoA

Tipo de vegetación

Selva bajaA

Categoría IUCN

No incluidaB

Categoría NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010

No incluidaC

Estatus del taxón

(A) Probablemente una entidad natural (monofilética)


A. Fryxell, P. A. 1988: Malvaceae of Mexico. – Syst. Bot. Monogr. 25: 1-522
B. IUCN 2022: The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Versión 2022-2
C. SEMARNAT 2019: MODIFICACIÓN del Anexo Normativo III, Lista de especies en riesgo de la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010: 101 pp. – [accessed 2023-05-04 06:16]