Eremalche exilis (A. Gray) Greene

Primary tabs

Eremalche exilis (A. Gray) Greene


Annual herbs with ascending branches, the stems sometimes flushed with purple, sparsely pubescent, the mostly stellate hairs less than 1 mm long. Leaf blades 1-3 cm long, palmately 3-5-lobed, the lobes sometimes few-toothed or secondarily lobed, truncate, acute or obtuse, sparsely and minutely stellate-pubescent above and beneath; petioles 2-2 times the length of the blades. Flowers 1-4 in the leaf axils; pedicels up to 3 cm long (usually shorter), often subequal to the subtending leaves, slender; involucellar bracts 3-5 mm long; calyx 4-6 mm long, stellate- pubescent, ca. half-divided; petals ca. 6 mm long, pale lavender; styles 12-15. Fruits 4-5 mm in diameter, disciform, a circle of 12-15 mericarps around a central column; mericarps 1.5-2 mm in diameter, semicircular, prominently rugulose, blackish. Chromosome numbers: 2n = 20, 40.A

Forma de crecimiento


Forma de vida





México (país) Nativo y no endémicoA

Tipo de vegetación

No especificadoA

Categoría IUCN

No incluidaB

Categoría NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010

No incluidaC

Estatus del taxón

(A) Probablemente una entidad natural (monofilética)


A. Fryxell, P. A. 1988: Malvaceae of Mexico. – Syst. Bot. Monogr. 25: 1-522
B. IUCN 2022: The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Versión 2022-2
C. SEMARNAT 2019: MODIFICACIÓN del Anexo Normativo III, Lista de especies en riesgo de la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010: 101 pp. – [accessed 2023-05-04 06:16]