Hochreutinera amplexifolia (DC.) Fryxell

Primary tabs

Hochreutinera amplexifolia (DC.) Fryxell


Subshrubs 1-2 m tall, moderately hirsute mostly with simple hairs 1-2 mm long. Leaves long-petiolate below to sessile and amplexicaul immediately below the inflorescence, the blades mostly 6~15 cm long, ovate (or rarely weakly 3-lobulate), deeply cordate, serrate, acuminate, hirsute above and beneath to glabrate; stipules 4-8 mm long, filiform. Flowers sometimes solitary in the leaf axils but usually in terminal racemes or lax panicles; calyx 6-8 mm long in flower to 12 mm long in fruit, hirsute; petals 12-21 mm long; staminal column ca. 3 mm long, the filaments 3-5 mm long, the anthers yellow; styles 10-12. Fruits glandular-pubescent; mericarps 10-12, 1-2.5 cm long, apically acute (rarely rounded), with two vestigial knobs basally at dorsal angle, with glandular-pubescent endoglossum; seeds 2.5 mm long. Chromosome number unknown.A

Forma de crecimiento


Forma de vida





México (país) Nativo y no endémicoA


200 - 1000 mA

Tipo de vegetación

Bosque de encino, Selva bajaA,B

Categoría IUCN

No incluidaC

Categoría NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010

No incluidaA

Estatus del taxón

(A) Probablemente una entidad natural (monofilética)


A. Fryxell, P. A. 1988: Malvaceae of Mexico. – Syst. Bot. Monogr. 25: 1-522
C. IUCN 2022: The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Versión 2022-2