Dermatophyllum gypsophilum (B.L. Turner & A.M. Powell) Vincent

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Dermatophyllum gypsophilum (B.L. Turner & A.M. Powell) Vincent


México (Country) nativeA: Chihuahua nativenativeA,B, United States of America nativeA

Categoría IUCN

Casi amenazada (NT)C


A. Turner, B. L. & Powell, A. M. 1972: A new gypsophilic Sophora (Leguminosae) from northcentral Mexico and adjacent Texas. – Phytologia 22(5): 419–423.
B. Turner, B. L. 2012: New names in Dermatophyllum (Fabaceae). – Phytoneuron 3: 1-4
C. IUCN 2021: The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2021-2.