Amaioua glomerulata (Lam. ex Poir.) Delprete & C.H. Persson

Primary tabs

Amaioua glomerulata (Lam. ex Poir.) Delprete & C.H. Persson


México (Country): Chiapas nativenativeA

Categoría IUCN

Preocupación menor (LC)B


A. Delprete, P. G. & Persson, C. 2012: Octavia sessiliflora DC. and Mussaenda glomerulata Lam. ex Poir., two obscure taxa from French Guiana synonymous with members of the Alibertia group (Rubiaceae, Gardenieae). – Adansonia 34 (2): 353-363
B. IUCN 2021: The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2021-2.