Electranthera mutica (DC.) Mesfin, D.J. Crawford & Pruski

Primary tabs

Electranthera mutica (DC.) Mesfin, D.J. Crawford & Pruski

Nombre común

Español (México (país)): veinte reales


El Salvador nativeA, Guatemala nativeA, México (Country) endemic: Aguascalientes nativeB; Chiapas nativeB; Guanajuato nativenativenativeB; Guerrero nativeB; Hidalgo nativeB; Jalisco nativeB; Michoacán de Ocampo nativenativeB,C; México nativeB; Oaxaca nativeB; Puebla nativenativeB,C; Querétaro de Arteaga nativenativenativenativenativenativeB; San Luis Potosí nativeB; Tamaulipas nativeB; Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave nativeB


A. Tropicos 2013: Disponible en: (consultada desde 2013). Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden
B. Villaseñor, J. L. 2016: Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico. – Revista Mex. Biodivers. 87: 559–902
C. Pruski, J. F., Tadesse, M. & Crawford, D. J. 2015: Studies of Neotropical Compositae–XI. The new generic name Electranthera Coreopsideae). – Phytoneuron 2015–68: 1–17.