Cheilanthes clevelandii D.C.Eaton
Rhizomes short-creeping, horizontal, 1–3 mm diam.; rhizome scales linear-lanceolate, lustrous dark brown concolorous or with paler margin, entire; fronds to 40 cm long, approximate to distant; stipes ca. 1⁄2 the frond length, dark brown, lustrous, terete, clothed with 1–2 mm long hairs and filiform scales to glabrescent with age; blades oblong-lanceolate to ovate, quadripinnate, 2–8 cm wide; rachises terete, with scattered scales and sparse hairs; pinnae 10–12 pairs (more in California), equilateral; segments bead-like, most about 1 mm long; adaxial surface glabrous; abaxial surfaces with costal scales ovate-lanceolate to broadly deltate, deeply cordate at base, with overlapping basal lobes, conspicuous, ca. 1 X 0.5–1 mm, imbricate, concealing ultimate segments but not exceeding their margins, ciliate (usually only on proximal 1⁄2), often irregularly coarsely toothed and somewhat flexuous, on the segments reduced ciliate scales, some appearing as branched hairs, apices attenuate; lamina margins recurved, weakly differentiated, entire; sporangia 64-spored; spores brown.A
Ejemplar revisado
BCN (Brandegee s.n., 30 Apr 1889, UC p.p.; Fischer et al. 2073, ENCB; Hevly 2073, ARIZ; Moran 16168, MEXU, 24597, SD; Orcutt s.n., 13 Apr 1882, NY; Porter 160, CAS, MEXU; Pringle s.n., April 1882, LL, US; Wiggins & Gillespie 4048, CAS, DS, MEXU, NY, US; Yatskievych 82-171, ARIZ).A
0 – 1600 mA
Ecología y Hábitat
Rocky slopes and ledges, usually on igneous substrates.A
Categoría IUCN
No incluidaB
Categoría NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010
No incluidaC
Discusión taxonómica
Cheilanthes clevelandii appears hairy adaxially because the ciliate scales on abaxial surfaces extend beyond the segment margins. It is close to C. covillei, but their ranges rarely overlap. Reeves (1979) recognized two varieties, var. clevelandii being widespread and var. clokeyi T. Reeves & Cochrane (ined.), confined to California. Cheilanthes covillei appears scaly only, has glabrous blades, and has costal scales ciliate only on basal lobes.A