Botrychium Sw.

Primary tabs

Botrychium Sw.


Stem subterranean, erect, fleshy; roots thick, fleshy; fronds mostly one (rarely two), with two distinct parts: a spreading pinnately to ternately divided sterile blade (sometimes called trophophore), with free veins, and an erect fertile portion (sometimes called sporophore), 2–3 times divided, each sporophore stalked and terminated by a panicle-like sporangial cluster, usually exceeding the sterile blade in length, arising from base of the sterile blade or lower on stipe, sometimes at or below ground level; sporangia large, globose, opening by a horizontal slit; spores tetrahedral, one thousand to several thousand per sporangium; gametophytes subterranean, whitish or brownish, mycorrhizal, non-green; x=45.A

Forma de vida


Forma de crecimiento





México (Country) native and not endemicB


Tipo de vegetación

No especificado

Categoría IUCN

No incluidaC

Categoría NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010

No incluidaD

Estatus del taxón

(A) Como definida actualmente, probablemente una entidad natural (monofilética)

Discusión taxonómica

Botrychium comprises about 60 species, largely of temperate regions, usually growing in pastures, grassy meadows, and open second-growth woodlands, often in areas of disturbance.
There is considerable variation in frond size and dissection, and this variation is further confounded by the tendency to form “genus communities” with two or three species present in a population. Twenty new species have been recently described in North America, showing that much work is needed for a full understanding of the genus. Highland pastures and grassy road shoulders should be searched for more populations of these unusual plants. For studies of variation, all fronds should be taken, leaving the underground stems unharmed to produce new fronds the following season.


A. Mickel, J. T. & Smith, A. R. 2004: The Pteridophytes of Mexico Vol. 88
B. Mickel, J. T. & Smith, A. R. 2004: The Pteridophytes of Mexico Vol. 88
C. IUCN 2022: The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Versión 2022-2
D. SEMARNAT 2019: MODIFICACIÓN del Anexo Normativo III, Lista de especies en riesgo de la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010: 101 pp. – [accessed 2023-05-04 06:16]