Acrostichum L.

Primary tabs

Acrostichum L.


Rhizomes massive, shortcreeping to erect; roots stout, fleshy; rhizome scales thick, blackish brown, to 22 x 2 mm; fronds large, 1-pinnate, each with a conform terminal pinna; pinnae elliptic, entire, coriaceous, glabrous or with minute hairs; veins finely netted, without included veinlets; sori acrostichoid on all or only the distal pinnae, with many capitate paraphyses; indusia absent; spores tetrahedral, whitish tan; x=30.A

Forma de vida


Forma de crecimiento





México (Country) native and not endemicB

Ecología y Hábitat

Inhabits marshes, swamps, and stream margins, forming extensive stands 2–5 m tall in fresh or brackish water.A

Tipo de vegetación

No especificado

Categoría IUCN

No incluidaC

Categoría NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010

No incluidaD

Estatus del taxón

(A) Como definida actualmente, probablemente una entidad natural (monofilética)

Discusión taxonómica

It is a genus of perhaps as few as three tropical species: one American, one Australasian, and one pantropical. Although thegenus has been generally allied with Pteris, its affinity is not close. It is especially distinct in its acrostichoid sori, many stipe bundles, large fleshy roots, large plant size, marshy habitat, and coriaceous, 1-pinnate fronds. The species are often confused due to their subtle differences. Our descriptions are based on Adams and Tomlinson (1979).A


A. Mickel, J. T. & Smith, A. R. 2004: The Pteridophytes of Mexico Vol. 88
B. Mickel, J. T. & Smith, A. R. 2004: The Pteridophytes of Mexico Vol. 88
C. IUCN 2022: The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Versión 2022-2
D. SEMARNAT 2019: MODIFICACIÓN del Anexo Normativo III, Lista de especies en riesgo de la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010: 101 pp. – [accessed 2023-05-04 06:16]